Ex-Hillary aide fired from executive hospital job over coronavirus death wish for Trump supporters


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Via:  tig  •  5 years ago  •  0 comments

By:   Samantha Chang (Conservative News Today)

Ex-Hillary aide fired from executive hospital job over coronavirus death wish for Trump supporters
Laura Krolczyk, a former aide to Hillary Clinton, was fired from her cushy job at Roswell Park Cancer Center for her death wish on Trump supporters.

S E E D E D   C O N T E N T

March 31, 2020 | Samantha Chang | Print Article Total: 3.2K SHARE3.1K TWEET68 EMAIL  2  0   Former Hillary Clinton aide Laura Krolczyk was fired from her cushy $226,000-a-year job at Roswell Park Cancer Center for her callous coronavirus death wish on Trump supporters. (LinkedIn/screenshots)

An executive at the Roswell Park Cancer Center in Buffalo, New York, was fired after posting hateful Facebook messages tantamount to a coronavirus death wish for Trump supporters.

Laura Krolczyk was a former Democratic political operative who previously worked for failed presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Kirsten Gillibrand.

Krolczyk was Roswell Park’s vice president for external affairs since 2015.  She was fired this week following an internal investigation into her inflammatory Facebook exchange with a fellow left-wing executive from another hospital, the Buffalo News reported.

Krolczyk and Lisa LaTrovato — an executive at the Hauptman Woodward Medical Research Institute in Buffalo  — gleefully chirped on Facebook that they hoped Trump supporters would get infected with the coronavirus.

They also cheerfully said Trump supporters should “pledge to give up their ventilators for someone else” and not cash their coronavirus stimulus checks (which their taxes are paying for).

The Hauptman Woodward Medical Research Institute reacted by placing Lisa LaTrovato on leave over her Facebook exchange with Krolczyk.

In a statement, Hauptman Woodward remarked: “HWI leadership is addressing this regrettable personnel matter directly with the individual involved, who has been placed on administrative leave pending further internal review.”

The disgusting Facebook conversation was captured in screenshots by Republican strategist Michael Caputo, who shared the posts on Twitter.

The exchange began after Krolczyk posted a link to a story about President Trump refusing to be shaken down by General Motors, which demanded more money to manufacture ventilators amid the rising coronavirus death toll.

Krolczyk shared the article by sarcastically commenting: “Vote Trump.”

LaTrovato replied: “But we’ll waste more than that on a wall and Space Force.”

Krolczyk quipped: “Trump supporters need to pledge to give up their ventilators for someone else…and not go to the hospital.”

LaTrovato responded: “I think they should be the only ones in packed churches on Sunday.”

Krolczyk replied: “They should barricade themselves in there and ride this out.”

LaTrovato replied: “Yup.”

But the mainstream media said only Trump supporters have bad teeth. (Lisa LaTrovato/screenshot)

At that point, another Facebook user remarked: “Wow, just wow, so you’re saying we decide who lives and dies based on political views? Great plan.”

Krolczyk replied: “That’s literally what he’s [Trump] saying. Take your ‘wow’ and comprehend what your hero is saying. Your hero is saying YOU don’t need a ventilator. So don’t take one.”

Krolczyk added: “Also don’t cash your stimulus check. It’s all a hoax. Chew some ibuprofen and be on with your day.”

Roswell Park reacted to the backlash by condemning Laura Krolczyk’s remarks, calling them  “inappropriate.”

In a statement, Roswell Park CEO Candace S. Johnson said: “This behavior is not tolerated at Roswell Park. If any team members act in a way that does not accord with that commitment, we will take swift and appropriate action, just as we did in this instance.”

Laura Krolczyk was fired from a cushy job where she earned $226,580 at precisely the moment that millions of other Americans are losing their jobs and the U.S. economy is tanking amid the mass shutdowns. Great timing! Hope it was worth it!

Sadly, this is just another reminder to Trump supporters that many unhinged leftists don’t just want you fired or beaten-up. They want you dead.

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Samantha Chang

Senior Staff Writer
[email protected]

Samantha Chang is a senior staff writer for BizPac Review. Based in New York City, she is a financial editor and lawyer.

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