Time to Neutralize the Democratic Party | Newsmax.com
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Via: tig • 5 years ago • 0 commentsBy: Deroy Murdock (Newsmax)

(Jason Kolenda/Dreamstime)
By Deroy Murdock
Friday, 10 April 2020 09:42 AM Current | Bio | Archive
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Let’s not hear another consonant from Democrats and their maids and footmen in the left-wing media about President Donald J. Trump’s allegedly slothful and sputtering response to the COVID-19 crisis.
Democratic lawmakers and leftist journalists now are slowing things, on purpose. And that’s far, far worse.
U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., degraded herself on March 29 by telling CNN, "As the president fiddles, people are dying." NBC’s Chuck Todd recently asked Joe Biden, "Do you think there is blood on the president’s hands considering the slow response?"
Somehow, while fiddling with bloody hands, President Trump managed to impose his ban on alien-arrivals from China on January 31, one day after the World Health Organization declared a global pandemic.
Team Trump has deployed two hospital ships, ordered construction of 21 temporary infirmaries with 17,000 beds, rallied unprecedented private-sector initiatives and public-private partnerships, accelerated trials of potential vaccines; inspired a five-minute COVID-19 test; and delivered thousands of ventilators and millions of gowns, gloves, and masks.
While Trump stayed busy "not responding," Democrats hurled wrenches into the works. On the brink of bipartisan passage, filibustering Senate Democrats stalled the $2.2 trillion Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and. Economic Security (CARES) Act for five business days, while Pelosi demanded taxpayer dollars for the musician-hating Kennedy Center, subsidies for windmills, a federal ban on voter ID cards, and much more that did nothing to remedy COVID-19 or its economic aftermath.
"In the United States, as of this morning, there were 471 deaths reported due to coronavirus," a disgusted Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, said March 23. "As of right now, it’s 573.
"That means today, 102 Americans died while the Democrats were blocking consideration of this bill."
Some 3.3 million Americans applied for unemployment that week.
If Pelosi and Senate Democrats had cooperated, President Trump would have signed that bill on March 22, rather than March 27 — one business week sooner.
If this had saved 10% of these jobs, then Democrats and their partisan fetishism herded 330,000 Americans into unemployment.
Democrats and leftist journalists then attacked hydroxychloroquine, an anti-malaria drug that has shown some hope against COVID-19.
Because President Trump has discussed this drug optimistically, his enemies reflexively have mocked it and even prohibited doctors and pharmacists from dispensing it to COVID-19 patients.
Far better, the Democrats left’s behavior indicates, for them to embarrass Trump with hydroxychloroquine’s failure than for it to succeed and vindicate Trump.
If this costs COVID-19 patients their lives, that’s elusive on the Left’s list of worries.
Now, as Thursday morning brought word that 16.6 million Americans have lost work in the last three weeks, Democrats yet again have sandbagged relief that Trump and Republicans are trying to supply.
This time, it’s $250 billion in additional, potentially forgivable loans, to entice small businesses to keep their workers.
These laborers are among the 80% of Americans enduring soft house arrest.
While a quarter-trillion dollars in job subsidies thrill few conservatives, the alternative is less appetizing: Watching millions more blameless Americans lose their jobs, swamp local unemployment offices, and register for months or even years on the dole, as this economy slip slides away.
Rather than join this emergency bucket brigade, the same Democrats who accuse Republicans of divisiveness are busy draining these buckets, and letting the financial fires blaze more brightly.
Even worse, Democrats do this so they can savor their favorite indoor activity: destabilizing racial politics. Democrats suddenly crave set asides for minority- and women-owned businesses — as if any American banker right now is thinking, "I’ll be d*****d if I approve a loan application from some black guy or some chick."
This November, American voters must do their solemn, moral duty and defeat every Democrat, from presumed nominee Joe Biden, down to the last school board candidate.
There is nothing left of the Democratic Party but self-absorption, partisan greed, and racial trigger happiness. The time is now for voters to neutralize the enemy of the people.
Bucknell University’s Michael Malarkey contributed research to this opinion piece.
Deroy Murdock is a Manhattan-based Fox News Contributor, a contributing editor with National Review Online, and a senior fellow with the London Center for Policy Research. Read more opinions from Deroy Murdock — Click Here Now.
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