Evidence Casts Doubt on Tara Reade's Sexual Assault Allegations of Joe Biden
Category: Entirely New
Via: tig • 5 years ago • 0 commentsBy: Eddie Krassenstein (Medium)

Brian & Eddie KrassensteinFollow Mar 30 · 18 min read
Alexandra Tara Reade's accusations of sexual assault against Joe Biden appear very questionable once the story is fully investigated.
Alexandra Tara Reade (left), Former VP Joe Biden (right)
UPDATE 4/2/20: We were able to contact a longtime friend of Reade's who wished to remain anonymous, but they said they "do not believe her allegations," claiming she has always been one to seek attention. Note: We reached out to Ms. Reade for comment but she refused.
Every allegation of sexual assault must be taken seriously, and the #metoo movement has certainly given the victims of sexual harassment and assault a greater shield of confidence in coming forward with less fear of being attacked themselves. With this said, however, it is the media's responsibility to thoroughly investigate accusations before jumping into a story and allowing those allegations to potentially destroy another human being, or, in this case, a political campaign. Every woman deserves to be heard, but every media outlet still has the responsibility of investigating and then relaying to the public all of the facts at face value.
Alexandra Tara Reade came forward last week with quite disturbing allegations against former Vice President and current 2020 Presidential candidate Joe Biden. In April of 2019, Reade originally said that Joe Biden's handsiness made her feel uncomfortable when she worked as a Senate aide in 1993. At the time, however, she said that she did not consider Biden's actions to be sexualization, instead comparing her experience to that of being a beautiful lamp.
This story suddenly changed last week when Reade took part in an interview with podcast host Katie Halper. In the interview, Reade claimed that then-Senator Joe Biden "penetrated" her, against her will, with his finger, in an encounter that took place in '93.
While the allegations made by Reade are impossible to prove or disprove, examining Reade's actions over the years and other evidence that has been archived on the internet, brings her honesty and integrity into question.
Below we will cover many of the inconsistencies in her story, the endless contradictions she has made over the years, and the evidence that paints a picture of someone who went from seemingly adoring Joe Biden and disliking Vladimir Putin in 2017, to someone who showed compassion and love for Vladimir Putin in 2018, to someone who accused Biden of doing horrific things to her in 2019 and 2020.
Who is Alexandra Tara Reade?
Alexandra Tara Reade has gone by many names and aliases over the years. According to our research, she was born as Tara Reade Moulton , before changing her name in her early 20s to Tara Reade , then changing it back to Tara Moulton again, and then changing it once again later in life (through marriage) to Alexandra Tara McCabe .
It appears as though sometime between 2017 and early 2018 she began calling herself Alexandra Tara Reade.
According to a website that she recently deleted, Reade is the founder of Gracie's Pet Food Pantry, graduated from Seattle University School of Law, and was the co-host, creator and producer of a soul music radio show called "Soul Vibes" on KNRY — an AM radio station that serves the Santa Cruz and Monterey areas in California.
At one point in her life Reade worked on the domestic violence unit for the King County Prosecutor, in Seattle, WA, as a 'Victim's Advocate," and on at least one occasion testified as an expert witness on domestic violence.
Reade also worked for former Congressman Leon Panetta, former Senator Joe Biden, and former California State Senator Jack O'Connell.
In 2017 Alexandra Tara Reade Praised Joe Biden for Helping End Sexual Assault.
In 2017 Alexandra Tara Reade praised Joe Biden for his action in helping stop sexual assault, not just once, but on multiple occasions.
Alexandra Tara Reade's other Twitter account under her legal name (Alexandra) Tara McCabe.
Between September of 2016 and May of 2017, Alexander Tara Reade used a Twitter account, under the name Tara McCabe, to spread praise of Joe Biden via tweeting, retweeting and liking various Tweets.
There are multiple examples of this, as seen below:
In the below instance, Reade retweeted a tweet by Margaret Cho that appears to commend Joe Biden for working with Lady Gaga to end sexual assault.
In 2017 Joe Biden worked with Lady Gaga to help end sexual assault. In February of 2017, Tara Reade retweeted this tweet apparently commending Biden for his work in doing so.
Then again in April of 2017, Reade liked a tweet by the Huffington post that praised the former Vice President for helping men realize how important they are in the fight against sexual assault. The article commends Biden for the steps he has taken to encourage men to take responsibility in stopping assaults against women.
In April of 2017 Tara Reade "liked" this tweet by the Huffington Post, praising Joe Biden for helping men realize how important they are in the fight against sexual assault.
Also in March of 2017, Reade made a tweet claiming that Joe Biden "speaks truth," and encouraged her followers to "listen" to him.
In March of 2017, Tara Reade made a tweet claiming that Joe Biden "speaks truth," as she shared an article about Biden's stance against cancer.
In November of 2016, a few weeks after the election, Reade liked a tweet made by President Obama, wishing Joe Biden a "Happy Birthday," and calling Biden "the best Vice President and friend" that he could have had.
Additionally, in January of 2017, Reade likes two tweets by the Obama WhiteHouse Archive, one quoting Joe Biden's praise of Obama, and the other congratulating Joe Biden for receiving the Presidential Medal of Freedom.
This means that between the time she claims to have been sexually assaulted by Biden, and the time that she publicly came forward with the allegations, she was spending time on Twitter commending her alleged perpetrator for helping end sexual assault among other things.
Additionally, in an article Reade wrote in 2009, she commended Joe Biden for action he had taken against domestic abuse, writing:
I should know what an abuser looks like. After all, I was working for then Senator Joseph Biden, who sponsored the Violence Against Women Act. But domestic violence is an equal opportunity offender.
Reade's Story is Not Consistent
In an article Reade wrote in 2009, she claimed to have left Washington DC for the midwest because her husband Tate, at the time, had received a job offer for a Congressman. She claims to have also received a job offer to work for a Governor's race in California around the same time period.
Soon I received an offer to work on a Governor's race in California and I almost accepted. Tate kept me up that night, pleading with me to go with him while he managed the Congressman's campaign. I agreed and we moved to the frozen tundra of the Midwest. I would not even last a full winter.
However, in the article "Bring on the Light," which Reade wrote in December of 2018, and has since deleted, she stated that she left politics and Washington DC because she was sick of American imperialism and because she "love[d] Russia with all her heart."
Then in her article for The Union in April of 2019, her story changed yet again, blaming her move on Joe Biden essentially having her blacklisted.
Then, I went to Senate personnel for help. No one helped me. I resigned or I would say, I was forced to resign. I was told to look for another job. In the aftermath, I did not feel competent or worthy of anything. My self-esteem plummeted and my career nose-dived. What started with promise and possibility, ended because some prominent Senator decided that he liked my legs. I was sad and lost and moved on.
Also in an article she wrote on April 6, 2019, Reade claimed that she didn't even know if Biden knows why she left working for him:
I wish I could say there was a happy ending, that Senator Biden apologized or that he helped make amends, he did not. I do not even know if he realized why I left.
But then in March of 2020, Reade says that Biden fired her:
Only one story can be correct.
There are plenty of other inconsistencies with her story, some of which have been outlined above.
For example, in Reade's April 17, 2019 article for The Union, where she talks about her move to Washington DC to work for Joe Biden, she claimed to have driven across country to get to her destination.
I was beyond excited, I packed up my Nissan and cats, told my boyfriend goodbye and headed alone on the cross country drive to Washington D.C.
In 2009, however, the story was different. This time she arrived in DC on an airplane.
As the plane descended into Washington D. C., my Siamese cat, Cleo, meowed loudly from under my seat. Cleo had been through all my many moves, men, and a couple of Los Angeles earthquakes. As the lights of Washington D.C. reflected through the plane's windows, the excitement of my new job as a Senate staffer lay ahead of me.
Additionally in January of 2020, Reade wrote that she was telling her story because of a picture the media has drawn conveying Joe Biden as a "champion of women's rights."
The reason I am writing about it is the hypocrisy that Biden is supposed to be the champion of women's rights. Also, watch how the media coddles him.
She calls the concept of Biden being a champion of women's rights a "hypocrisy," but she too was boosting Biden as a champion of women's rights in 2017 when she retweeted multiple tweets doing just this.
In 2017 Tara Reade Attacks Putin on Twitter, Over and Over Again.
Using the same Twitter account that she was praising Joe Biden with, in 2017, Reade also used her presence on social media to attack Russia and condemn Vladimir Putin. Below are all tweets that Reade retweeted and/or liked in 2017:
On March 5, 2017, Reade retweeted a story by the New Yorker entitled "Trump, Putin, and the new Cold War," which essentially outlines how Putin is at war against America and how he is trying to "damage American confidence and undermine the Western alliances — diplomatic, financial, and military, that have shaped postwar world."
In February of 2017, Reade retweeted a tweet by Senator Kamala Harris, calling for an investigation into Russia's involvement with the Trump campaign.
In March of 2017, Reade retweeted a Mother Jones article outlining all of the troubling links between Trump and Russia, and how Russia appears to have tried to subvert our Democracy.
On March 2, 2017 she liked a tweet by Chelsea Handler that attacked Jeff Sessions for lying about campaign meetings with Russian officials.
In February of 2017, Reade liked a tweet by Michael Moore sharing a story by the New York Times outlining Russia's attack on our democracy, and how they infiltrated our political system.
In January of 2017, Reade retweeted an attack by Chelsea Handler on Russia for decriminalizing domestic violence. (More on this later)
Sure, there is absolutely nothing unusual about showing a disdain for Russia and Vladimir Putin, unless of course a year later you start to praise Russia and Putin.
That's exactly what Reade began to do.
Tara Reade Couldn't Praise Vladimir Putin Enough in 2018-2020
So where was Tara Reade right after she spent close to a year praising Joe Biden and attacking Vladimir Putin on Twitter, and right before she came forward with allegations against Joe Biden in 2019?
Reade was busy writing pro-Putin and pro-Russia tweets on Twitter, and articles for the Medium, which when the media found, she quickly removed from the internet.
In an article entitled "Why a Liberal Democrat Supports Vladimir Putin," Reade seemingly believes that Putin is a loving figure that women find "intoxicating."
"President Putin has an alluring combination of strength with gentleness. His sensuous image projects his love for life, the embodiment of grace while facing adversity. It is evident that he loves his country, his people and his job."
Reade continues,
"President Putin's obvious reverence for women, children and animals, and his ability with sports is intoxicating to American women"
For a leader who once was criticized for making light of rape, this certainly seems like an odd statement.
"I say, 'Well, he is very good to women, holds them in high regard.'
Recall that just a year prior, Reade was retweeting damning critique by Chelsea Handler of Russian legislation that Putin signed off on, which essentially made women helpless in instances of domestic abuse.
On December 17, 2018, Reade published another article entitled, "Bring on the Light."
In this article, Reade wrote:
"President Putin scares the power elite in America because he is a compassionate, caring, visionary leader."
Let's recall that a little over a year prior to this article, Reade was retweeting attacks of Putin for interfering in our elections, while also sharing disdain for Russian legislation that was demeaning to women. Now, however, Reade appears to attack America for trying to "trap" Putin with election meddling allegations.
"President Putin is beloved by Russia and he not going anywhere. Instead of being ensnared in the recent political intrigues (and America is trying hard to set that trap). President Putin is keeping a calm focus on his own country's development and future, without America. To President Putin, I say keep your eyes to the beautiful future and maybe, just maybe America will come to see Russia as I do, with eyes of love. To all my Russian friends, happy holiday and Happy New Year."
In March of 2019, Reade also published another article, in Russian, that included a celebratory quote from Putin's press secretary, rejoicing about the conclusions of the Mueller report. This article was also published in English.
In this article, dated March 26-27, 2019, Reade once again praises Vladimir Putin in quite a strange way, stating:
When the anti-Russia, anti-Putin propaganda starts up, personally, I shut down. I love Russia, I love my Russian relatives and friends. And like most women across the world, I like President Putin… a lot, his shirt on or shirt off.
There seems to be a recurring theme here. Reade loves to praise Vladimir Putin for his treatment of women and for his appeal to women, even though a year prior she was retweeting and liking tweets condemning Putin and Russia.
It's also worth noting that this article, written less than a month before Reade came forward with her original allegations against Joe Biden, mentions Joe Biden in a seemingly positive way.
Whoever the democratic front-runner is for the 2020 Presidential run; Beto O'Rourke, the Joe Biden and Stacey Abrams ticket, Kamala Harris, or Bernie Sanders. We should urge these candidates to elevate the national conversation to more important matters.
It doesn't end here though. Tara Reade also used her presence on Twitter to defend Vladimir Putin, even going as far as seemingly defending him for murdering journalists and those who speak out against him.
Then in September of 2019, 5 months after her original accusations against Biden, Reade was still praising Putin, and attacking Americans for being "anti-Russian".
The problem is, she was one of those Americans attacking Russia and Putin in 2017.
Her praise of Putin continues, even into January of 2020:
And in February as well, as Reade defends Putin against those calling him a "villain."
This praise of Putin seemed to only stop last week (late March of 2020), right after she came forward with her new sexual assault allegations against Biden, as her tune suddenly changed:
Tara Reade Appears to Have Misinformed Vox News
In a recent interview with Vox News, Tara Reade claimed that she only praised Vladimir Putin in 2018 and 2019 because she watched "a bunch of Noam Chomsky" and was working on a novel set in Russia at the time.
Also in April of 2019, Reade, in explaining her praise for Putin and Russia, wrote:
I am in a creative writing group and in writing a novel, the poetry is part of the novel and the blogs because I watch and read a lot of Noam Chomsky.
Reade, who previously wrote about being a victim of domestic abuse in 2009, told Vox News that now she no longer feels the same about Putin as she did in 2018-2019 because she has since learned more about domestic violence in Russia.
But, evidence shows that Reade was in fact knowledgable of Russia's stance on domestic violence, a year prior to her writings. In January of 2017, Reade retweeted and "liked" a tweet by Chelsea Handler condemning Russia's inhumane handling of domestic violence.
Additionally in the article "Bring on the Light," which Reade wrote in December of 2018, and has since deleted, she stated that she left politics in Washington DC because she was sick of American imperialism and because she "love[d] Russia with all her heart." Note: Reade moved out of Washington and to the West Coast decades ago.
"Bring on the Light" by Alexandra Tara Reade on December 17, 2018
But wait, didn't she tell Vox News last week that she only praised Putin and Russia in 2018-19 because she was "watching Noam Chomsky" at the time? In 2018, she claimed to have always loved Russia since she left Washington DC over a decade ago.
But that wouldn't add up either, considering she was attacking Putin and Russia on Twitter in 2017.
So here is the timeline. No matter how you spin it, it doesn't add up.
- 2017 — Reade repeatedly attacked Putin and Russia on Twitter for election interference and for Russian legislation that legalized domestic violence.
- 2018 — Reade claims she liked Russia since she left Washington DC (over a decade ago), and praised Putin and Russia over and over again. She also directly praised Putin for his treatment of women in multiple articles.
- March, 2019-February 2020 — Reade continues to praise Putin.
- March, 2020 — Reade tells Vox News that she started liking Putin and Russia in 2018 after "watching Noam Chomsky," but no longer likes Putin after finding out about domestic violence in Russia. (note: in 2018 she claimed to have loved Russia since over a decade ago, and in 2017 she was retweeting tweets on her account condemning to Russia's domestic violence among other things.)
In 2019 Tara Reade Inquired About a Russian Law Requiring Journalists to Register As Foreign Agents
There have been many accusations against Tara Reade, calling her a "Russian Agent." It's not our job to decide, and we must admit that this accusation seems pretty far fetched. However, in December of 2019, Reade did make quite an interesting tweet:
The article Reade appears to be referring to can be read here.
Reade Called on Biden to be Investigated for Burisma
In 2017, Tara Reade could not praise Joe Biden enough for his politics, and his treatment of women. Then, suddenly in 2019, her tune began to change. Not only did she begin accusing Biden of workplace misconduct and then eventually sexual assault, but she was also pushing Russian/GOP conspiracy theories about Burisma.
The Alexandra Tara Reade/Moulton/McCabe Timeline
Here is a more complete timeline of events, regarding Tara Reade's actions toward both Joe Biden and Vladimir Putin.
- December 1992 — August 1993 — Tara Reade worked as a Senate aide in Joe Biden's office.
- 2009 — Reade commended Biden for actions he has taken against domestic violence.
- 2017 — Reade repeatedly attacked Putin and Russia on Twitter for election interference and for Russian legislation that legalized domestic violence.
- 2017 — Reade repeatedly praised Joe Biden through tweets, retweets and "likes" on Twitter. On multiple occasions she boosts him for his work on helping end sexual assault.
- 2018 — Reade claims she liked Russia since she left Washington DC (Over a decade ago), and praised Putin and Russia over and over again. She also directly praised Putin for his treatment of women in multiple articles.
- January of 2019 — Reade first begins talking about her sexual harassment allegations against Joe Biden on Twitter.
- March, 2019 — Reade continues to praise Putin.
- April, 2019 — Reade comes forward with her original allegations against Biden, but says his actions were NOT "sexualization," but rather compared his actions toward her as being demeaning and treating her like a "pretty" lamp that is thrown away when it's too bright. She also claimed that her story was not "a story about sexual misconduct."
- September 2019 — Reade calls on Joe Biden to be investigated for his dealings with Ukraine.
- January, 2020 — Reade continues to praise Vladimir Putin on Twitter.
- March, 2020 — Reade comes forward again, this time claiming that Joe Biden did sexually assault her in 1993.
- March, 2020 — Reade tells Vox News that she started liking Putin and Russia in 2018 after "watching Noam Chomsky," but no longer likes Putin after finding out about domestic violence in Russia. (note: in 2018 she claimed to have loved Russia since over a decade ago, and in 2017 she was posting tweets on her account related to Russia's domestic violence.)
Reade's Russian Article Examined.
A 2019 pro-Russia article, explaining her own experiences working in the U.S. Senate, appears to have been written by a man, in Russian.
In a now deleted article that Alexandra Tara Reade published in March of 2019, just weeks before coming forward with her original allegations against Joe Biden, a Russian source of ours caught something very unusual.
Both the Russian and English versions of the articles were published on the same date. However, the Russian version was published first, and was written in the the wrong gender. In referring to herself throughout the article, Tara Reade uses the masculine gender, as if the article was written by a male.
As you can see above, the masculine "л" is used on multiple occasions to refer to her own actions, as if she was a male, not a female.
For example, the following sentence
"Аааа, я бы сказал, мой друг, это вопрос к другому дню."
can be translated to:
Ahhh, I would say, my friend, this is a question for another day.
But the word "say" (сказал) is written in the masculine form rather than the feminine form (сказала).
The entire article appears to have been written this way. With this said, it is certainly possible that when she had the article translated someone messed up the genders. But that definitely begs the question of why should would want to publish her articles in both English and Russian? One of the first things you learn about when translating to, or writing in Russian, are the gender roles. Every Russian language source we've spoken to emphasized this.
So the only conclusion we can draw is that 1) Reade used a translation service such as Google Translate or 2) The article was written in Russian by a male and then translated to English.
Let's examine a little further:
- If in fact Reade was using an English-Russian translation service, why? Why did she feel the need to publish the same article in Russian, when virtually anyone can read the article in Russian using Google Translate. The most likely reason would be so that her articles would be picked up by Russian search engines. Fair enough.
- Could the article have really been written in Russian by a male and then translated to English? Certainly, and one sentence in particular makes us believe this is a real possibility.
So, I am not watching our country with naive or star spangled eyes or any other nation.
In English the sentence doesn't seem make much sense? Any English writer would phrase it more like:
"So, I am not watching our country, or any other country, with naive or starry eyes (star spangled eyes)."
You can decide for yourself.
No, no one will be able to say with certainty whether Tara Reade's latest allegations are legitimate or not, but the very least we can do is ensure that the public has as much information as possible to make an informed decision. That's the purpose of this article.
With that, we leave you with two things to think about
#1) A tweet response made by Reade just weeks before coming forward with new allegations seemingly contradicting her original story, and just days before The Daily Beast reported on the Russian media becoming concerned with Joe Biden's resurgence. As you can see it seems as though Reade is admitting that she's waiting for the perfect time to release her new allegations in order to hurt Joe Biden's campaign:
And #2) A tweet response that Reade made to the parents of accused rapist Julian Assange. She called the man "a hero".
Note: UPDATE 4/2/20: We were able to contact a longtime friend of Reade's who wished to remain anonymous, but they said they "do not believe her allegations," claiming she has always been one to seek attention. We went out of our way to get Reade on the record to defend herself and also spoke to individuals close to her for years in an effort to get someone to tell us that Reade was telling the truth. Those we spoke to could not do so and in fact left us even more convinced that things don't add up.