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By: TiG • Meta • 6 Comments • 7 years ago
“One of the first experiments the researchers tackled involved swinging a pendulum and using a stopwatch to time the period between two angles of...”
Introductory lab courses are ubiquitous in science education, but there has been little evidence of how or whether they contribute to learning. They are often seen as primarily "cookbook" exercises in which students simply follow instructions to confirm results given in their textbooks, while...
The Evolution of the Eye
Via: TiG • Science & Technology • 21 Comments • 7 years ago
“Irreducible complexity is just a fancy phrase I use to mean a single system which is composed of several interacting parts, and where the removal...”
When evolution skeptics want to attack Darwin's theory, they often point to the human eye. How could something so complex, they argue, have developed through random mutations and natural selection, even over millions of years? If evolution occurs through gradations, the critics say, how could...